With every channel saturated, the way to cut through the noise is to leverage an existing relationship to get in front of 'in-market' buyers.
The Problem
More data & more 'connections' than ever before yet the human brain can only manage 150 relationships at a time
The Solution
Quiet the noise by identifying the highest value relationships one degree away and showing the strongest signals
What your Peers are Saying
"Less than 24 hours after launching our first ​campaign, we booked three meetings, generated two new sign-ups, and 2X'ed conversion rates"
"90% reduction in cost to get the same results as a team of SDRs & 2X'ed conversion rates"
"20X increase in referrals by activating existing customers"
"Less than 24 hours after launching our first campaign, created one new sales opportunity."
"We are seeing a low ROI from 'self-service' software. People want value instantly in today's market, and just buying software usually doesn't get you there."
CRO at SaaS company
Problems with buying intent tools

Only monitor one signal (tracking website visits & job changes)

Only monitor intent at the account level (tracking funding announcements)

A $200/month product that costs $2,000/month to operationalize

Can't transparently explain the WHY behind intent
Problems with warm intro tools

Relies on LinkedIn connections and email contacts

Requires the Connector to 'opt in'

Warm intros are not tied to buying intent

Complexity to operationalize
Relationship Mapping + Buying Intent
Combine Intent Signals at the Individual Level
Analysis of some of your favorite LinkedIn influencers
Adam Robinson (84K+ followers)
Chris Walker (156K+ followers)
Jason Lemkin (265K+ followers)​
Warm Intros + Buying Intent + Services = Consolidation
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